0408 622055

making kids mobile

We provide financial support TO families with children wHO HAVE a physical disability to ENABLE BETTER ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT,  assistive technology and OTHER RESOURCES TO ASSIST IN THEIR INDEPENDENCE, HEALTH AND wellbeing.

Physical disabilities impact a person's physical capacity and/or mobility and can be congenital or acquired as a result of an accident.

aids and equipment considered essential for one person can differ greatly to the next.   for this reason, all applications are considered and treated on an individual basis.

Wheeling & Able

Wheeling & Able commenced in 1932 as the Newcastle & District Crippled Children’s Association and has continued, over the last almost 90 years, to assist more than 16,000 families in the Hunter region to obtain mobility aids and equipment for children with physical disabilities.

Wheeling & Able is a self-funded charity and does not receive any government funding, so this amazing achievement has been reached through the generosity of individuals, business and community organisations.

Client Testimonials

Thank you again, being able to give Lindsay one activity back that she has lost this year has really made a difference to her wellbeing.

A very appreciative mother 

“Thank you so much for your recent approval of my 3 applications!
We are so grateful for your service!”

John Hunter Children’s Hospital

“Thankyou so much for approval of Louie’s helmet, and for acting so quickly.  I honestly am so humbled and grateful for this, it honestly means the world to us!  You are amazing! Thankyou again!”

From a very grateful Mum 

“When the community donates to Wheeling & Able, it does a lot for families like us.”

Karen & Ben

“Evie got her new bike last Sunday.
She’s so happy, so thank you again for helping us.”

Evie’s Mum

This is amazing news, thank you very much! We are so appreciative of this and it will make such a different for Amelia’s positioning, comfort and social participation! Thank you again!

Amelia’s Occupational Therapist

Latest News

Remember this little guy?

Patrick’s still in his helmet – in fact Mum says he’s so used to it that he reaches for it when he’s not wearing it, but is doing so well[…]

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Australia Day 2023 Community Award presented to Nadine Hickey

Outstanding contribution to the lives on many in the community through volunteering We’re proud of your involvement with Wheeling & Able, Nadine and think this award is very well deserved 

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Meet Patrick

A gorgeous 8 month old with severe positional plagiocephaly, Patrick requires a helmet to assist with remodelling of his head shape and facial appearance. Patrick’s head shape has an effect[…]

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